Many of our theme posts contain jump links (also known as anchor links); here, we aim to explain them and how to set them up or customize them. A recipe blog has many jump links; for example, when a reader clicks on the Jump to Recipe button located at the top of the post, it will jump to the recipe card. Alternatively, a jump link might be set at the top of a post via a simple text link so that when a reader clicks on it, the reader will be taken to the bottom of the page.
Jump links are very easy to create; to create them, follow these steps:
What Does A Jump Link Look Like?
Here is an example of a text jump link. When a reader clicks on it, the link takes them to the anchor wherever it’s placed on the post. The same principle applies to jump link buttons, except they’re buttons.

How To Add A Jump Link

Customize the Link Style (Optional)
If you want to style the jump link differently, use the Kadence block settings or additional CSS to change its appearance (such as color, size, or hover effects).
Testing the Jump Link
Preview the post and click on the jump link to ensure it smoothly scrolls to the desired anchored section.
Additional Tips
NOTE: If some of these options are unavailable, you most likely do not have the Kadence Pro installed.