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Changing Post Layouts With Kadence

Kadence is a powerful WordPress theme that offers flexibility and customization options, allowing you to design your website exactly how you envision it. One of its standout features is the ability to customize post layouts, your recipe or portfolio posts from the plugin, and any other document/post plugin you may have installed.

Whether you’re running a blog, showcasing projects, or sharing updates, Kadence makes it easy to adjust the layout of your posts to suit your style and needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to changing post layouts sitewide and in actual post settings:

Changing Post Layouts Sitewide

Access Theme Customizer:

  • To modify your post layout, navigate to Appearance > Customize. This will open the Kadence Customizer, where you can make changes to your posts.
  • In the Customizer, locate the Blog Posts section. This is where you’ll find the options to customize the layout for your posts, including single posts, blog archive pages, and other post-type plugins you have installed.

Select Post Layout Options: You can choose between various layout styles for your single posts or archives within the Blog Posts settings. We are Options typically include:

  • Fullwidth: A layout that spans the entire width of the page, ideal for showcasing large images or text-heavy posts.
  • Boxed: A contained layout with padding around the post content, offering a cleaner, structured look.
  • Sidebar Layouts: Add a left or right sidebar to include widgets such as categories, tags, or recent posts.

These are the current layout settings for our Inspire theme sitewide. Sitewide means all the posts have those settings. If you prefer a particular post to have a different layout, it can be changed in the actual post settings.

Adjust Featured Image Settings: Kadence allows you to control the placement and size of featured images in your posts. You can choose to:

  • Display the featured image above or below the title.
  • Customize the image’s size and aspect ratio.
  • Enable or disable the featured image entirely.

Customize Post Meta: Fine-tune the metadata that appears on your posts. Kadence provides options to display or hide elements like:

  • Author name
  • Published date
  • Categories or tags
  • Comments count

Typography and Spacing: Under the typography settings, you can change font styles, sizes, and colors for your post content. You can also adjust the spacing between elements like headings, paragraphs, and images to create a visually appealing layout.

Preview & Publish: The Kadence Customizer offers a live preview, so you can see how your changes look before publishing them. Test different layouts to find the one that best complements your content and design goals.

Once you’re satisfied with the new post layout, click Publish to apply your changes. Your posts will now reflect the updated design across your site.

Changing Post Layouts In Post Settings

Changing the settings in a particular post will override global settings.

  • From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Posts > All Posts and click on the post you want to edit. This will open the post editor, where you can manage content and layout settings.
  • Locate the black icon at the top right, fhis will open the post editor, where you can manage content and layout settings.
  • This section includes layout-specific controls that override global theme settings

Kadence allows you to select a custom layout for the post, which currently includes:

  • Default (Inherited): Uses the global layout settings from the Customizer.
  • Normal: Centers content in a container the set width of your site with padding for a clean, organized look.
  • Narrow: Creates a narrow page.
  • Fullwidth: Expands content to take up the full width of the page.
  • With Sidebar: Choose a layout with a left or right sidebar for additional content or widgets.

After making your changes, you may also want to make changes to the Content Styling, Vertical Spacing, and Feature Image.

Saving & Preview: Save your settings and preview your post layout.

With Kadence, changing post layouts is simple and efficient and you can experiment with the options further at any time.

By leveraging the Post Settings in Kadence, you have complete control over the look and feel of each individual post, ensuring your site remains as dynamic and versatile as your content.

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