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Setting Up Your Favicon

To configure a site favicon (also known as a site icon) using the Kadence theme in WordPress, follow these steps:

  • 1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Site Identity.
  • 2. Under Site Icon, click Select Site Icon to choose your favicon image.
  • 3. If you already have a favicon in place, click Change Image instead to select a new image.
  • 4. The Site Icon (favicon) is what you see in browser tabs, bookmark bars, and within the WordPress mobile apps. For best results, it should be 512×512 pixels square.
  • 5. After uploading the favicon, WordPress will give you an option to crop the image. If your image is already the right size ie 512×512 px, you can skip cropping.
  • 6. Click Publish to save the changes.

NOTE: Your favicon will appear in the browser tab next to your site’s title once published.

For best practices, your favicon should ideally be 512×512 pixels for high resolution, PNG for transparency, and keep the design simple and easily recognizable.

To design a Favicon, we suggest using the image in your logo; both can be easily created in Canva or Create Vista.

NOTE: If some of these options are unavailable, you most likely do not have the Kadence Pro installed.

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