View Categories

Customizing Archive Page Settings

Customizing an archive page using Kadence involves configuring the layout, style, and content display of post categories, tags, authors, or date-based archives. Kadence provides various options to modify these archive pages globally or through other specific settings such as Elements.

Category pages or archive pages are where your blog categories are assigned. Any posts you create for a particular category, e.g., Recipes > Cuisines > American, or as in the image, By Holidays > Christmas, will appear on those category archive pages. When a category is properly set up, readers will enjoy going to it.

This is an example category using the Delicious theme.

archive settings

Here’s how you can customize your archive pages:

Creating A Category

Categories are very easy to set up; the theme you bought will already have some assigned. You can create them when you set up a regular post in the category section or by going to Posts > Categories.

Archive Customer Settings

Go to Appearance > Customize > Posts/Pages Layout > Archive Layout. Here, you can modify various aspects like:

  • Toggle the Archive Title to In Content or Above Content.
  • Container Width to Standard, Full Width, or Contained.
  • Post Archive Title Align to align Left, Center, or Right.
  • Container Min Height can be set differently for all devices.
  • Post Meta to decide whether to display elements like Breadcrumbs, Title, or Description.
  • Archive Layout can be set to Normal, Narrow, Fullwidth, Left Sidebar, and Right Sidebar layouts.
  • Archive Default Sidebar to choose your default sidebar currently set to Sidebar 1.
  • Content Styling to choose your default content style to Boxed or Unboxed.
  • Post Archive Columns to choose a default column from 1-4; the usual is 3 or 4.
  • Post Item Layout covers Feature Image settings, Category settings, Title, Meta, Excerpt, and Readmore. Each option has its own list of settings in the dropdown option.
Customizing Archive Page Settings
Customizing Archive Page Settings
Customizing Archive Page Settings

In the Design Tab, you can customize fonts, colors, borders, backgrounds, meta, etc.

NOTE: If some of these options are unavailable, you most likely do not have the Kadence Pro installed.

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