Installing WordPress plugins is a straightforward process. There are three main ways to install plugins on WordPress: from the WordPress plugin repository, by uploading a plugin, or via FTP. Here’s a step-by-step guide for all methods:
Installing Plugins from the Repository
This is the easiest method and can be done directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Go to Plugins > Add New.
In the search box, type the plugin name you want to install.
Once you find the plugin, click on Install Now.
After the plugin is installed, click Activate to start using the plugin.
Depending on the plugin, it may need a license to be added for it to work.
Installing Plugins Via Uploading
Not all plugins can be found in the repository. If you’ve purchased a plugin or downloaded it as a .zip file, you can upload and install it manually. Unless specifically requested, never unzip your plugin on your PC; it must always be uploaded using the zip folder it was downloaded as.
Go to Plugins > Add New.
At the top, click on the Upload Plugin button.
Click Choose File and locate the plugin .zip file on your computer.
After selecting the file, click Install Now.
Once installed, click Activate to enable the plugin.
Depending on the plugin, it may need a license to be added for it to work.
Installing a Plugin via FTP
This method is used for advanced users or if you’re facing upload size restrictions. It is a great way to upload a plugin.
Download the plugin .zip file and extract (unzip) it to your computer.
Connect to your website using an FTP client (like FileZilla).
Navigate to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your server.
Upload the extracted plugin folder to the /plugins/ directory.
After the upload is complete, log in to your WordPress dashboard.
Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins, locate the uploaded plugin, and click Activate.
Depending on the plugin, it may need a license to be added for it to work.