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How To Install Wordpress Plugins

Installing WordPress plugins is a straightforward process. There are three main ways to install plugins on WordPress: from the WordPress plugin repository, by uploading a plugin, or via FTP. Here’s a step-by-step guide for all methods:

Installing Plugins from the Repository

This is the easiest method and can be done directly from your WordPress dashboard.

  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • In the search box, type the plugin name you want to install.
  • Once you find the plugin, click on Install Now.
  • After the plugin is installed, click Activate to start using the plugin.
  • Depending on the plugin, it may need a license to be added for it to work.

Installing Plugins Via Uploading

Not all plugins can be found in the repository. If you’ve purchased a plugin or downloaded it as a .zip file, you can upload and install it manually. Unless specifically requested, never unzip your plugin on your PC; it must always be uploaded using the zip folder it was downloaded as.

  • Go to Plugins > Add New.
  • At the top, click on the Upload Plugin button.
  • Click Choose File and locate the plugin .zip file on your computer.
  • After selecting the file, click Install Now.
  • Once installed, click Activate to enable the plugin.
  • Depending on the plugin, it may need a license to be added for it to work.

Installing a Plugin via FTP

This method is used for advanced users or if you’re facing upload size restrictions. It is a great way to upload a plugin.

  • Download the plugin .zip file and extract (unzip) it to your computer.
  • Connect to your website using an FTP client (like FileZilla).
  • Navigate to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your server.
  • Upload the extracted plugin folder to the /plugins/ directory.
  • After the upload is complete, log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins, locate the uploaded plugin, and click Activate.
  • Depending on the plugin, it may need a license to be added for it to work.

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