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Installing Kadence Framework

The following steps detail installing the Kadence classic theme (aka framework). The Kadence Theme is free and can be used without a premium purchase. You can extend its functionality using the premium Kadence Pro (Theme add-on) plugin. Click here to learn more.

Built-In Installation

  • 1. In the WordPress Dashboard, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the Add New Theme button at the top of the page.
  • 2. You will see a search bar at the top right of the page. Search for Kadence. The Kadence theme will appear in the search results. You can install the Theme by clicking on the blue Install button.
  • 3. Once you have installed the theme, click the blue Activate button to activate it.

Upload Installation

  • 1. You can install the Kadence Theme directly from your WordPress Dashboard. Ensure you keep this file in the ZIP format, as it needs to be uploaded in this compressed format. (Do not extract)
  • 2. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to Appearance -> Themes. Then, click the Add New Theme button.
  • 3. At the top of the page, you will now see an Upload Theme button. Click on it to upload your ZIP file.
  • 4. Once the Theme File is uploaded, click the Install Now button. Then click on the blue Activate link text to activate the Kadence Theme.

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