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Kadence Customization Sitewide?

Kadence is a robust and powerful framework and block-based page builder that offers extensive customization options. It gives you complete control of your website sitewide, not just in the customizer settings. In this knowledge-based article, we go beyond what is discussed in the Kadence Customizer Introduction.

Kadence’s mix of global settings and individual block controls makes it an excellent option for both beginners and advanced users looking to build a highly customized WordPress website. Here’s a breakdown of what can be customized sitewide when using Kadence:

Design and Layout:

  • Header and Footer: You can fully customize the header and footer, including the logo, menu placement, background colors, and social icons. It also allows sticky headers and multiple header layouts.
  • Page Layouts: Customize page width and sidebar positions (left, right, no sidebar), and create full-width or boxed layouts using Kadence Blocks.
  • Global Layout: Control overall website container width, content margins, and gutter spacing.


  • Fonts: Choose from Google Fonts or upload custom fonts.
  • Text Styling: You can control font size, weight, line height, and letter spacing globally or for specific elements (headers, body text, etc.).
  • Text Colors: Customize text color for different sections, including headings, body text, and links.

Check out our knowledge base article on Customizing Kadence Typography.

Colors & Backgrounds:

  • Color Scheme: Set a global color palette for primary, secondary, and accent colors.
  • Backgrounds: Customize the background color, image, or pattern for different sections like the header, footer, and content areas

Blog & Archive Pages:

  • Post Layouts: You can adjust the layout of blog posts (grid, list, masonry), control the number of columns, and enable or disable metadata like the author, date, and category.
  • Post Styling: Customize the appearance of featured images, post excerpts, and read more buttons.

WooCommerce Integration (Pro Version):

  • Product Page Layouts: Customize product page layouts, including the size of product images, gallery layout, and placement of product descriptions.
  • Shop Page: You can control the layout of the WooCommerce shop page, including the number of products per row, product styling, and button customizations.
  • Cart and Checkout Pages: Customize the look of the WooCommerce cart and checkout pages for a more seamless experience.

NOTE: Check out our shop recommendations here

Custom Headers and Footers (Pro Version):

  • Create conditional headers and footers for specific pages or post types, which allows for unique header/footer combinations for different sections of your website.

Check out our knowledge base articles on Customizing Header Settings and Customizing Footer Settings.

Custom Hooks and Scripts (Pro Version):

  • Kadence provides hooks and filters, allowing developers to insert custom code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) at specific locations on your website.

Check out our knowledge base articles on Navigating Kadence Elements Hooks and Kadence Elements Hooks How-to’s.

Custom Widgets and Sidebars:

  • Create custom sidebars and add widgets to different areas of your site, including custom menus, search bars, and recent posts.

Kadence Blocks (Page Builder Integration):

The Kadence Blocks plugin adds advanced Gutenberg blocks for greater page design flexibility, including:

  • Row Layout: Create complex grid layouts with adjustable column widths and freely rearrange sections and blocks on any page using drag-and-drop.
  • Advanced Gallery: Display images in a customizable gallery.
  • Accordion and Tabs: Add interactive content elements.
  • Testimonials, Pricing Tables, and Forms: These blocks provide additional options for more dynamic content.

Performance Optimization:

  • Lazy Loading: Enable lazy loading for images to improve site speed.
  • Minification: Kadence has built-in support for CSS and JS file modification.
  • Preload Fonts/Icons: You can preload critical assets like fonts and icons for faster load times.

Global Button Settings:

  • Customize the styling, size, color, and hover effects for buttons used throughout the website.

Check out our knowledge base article on Customizing Styling Buttons.

Mobile Customization:

  • Responsive Design: Kadence allows for mobile-specific customizations, such as adjusting font sizes, spacing, and section visibility for different devices.

Menus and Navigation:

  • Mega Menus: The pro version allows you to create advanced mega menus featuring images, columns, and other elements.
  • Sticky/Transparent Menus: Enable sticky navigation and transparent menus that blend into page content.

Custom 404 Pages:

  • Customize the 404 error page layout and content for a more personalized user experience.

Check out our knowledge base article on Customizing Kadence 404 Page.

NOTE: Some of the above options may be limited if you don’t have Kadence Pro installed.

Other Kadence customizations sitewide include dragging and dropping sections, copying and pasting sections from one page to another, making changes without code, controlling tablet and mobile settings separately from desktop, and SO much more.

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