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What Are Kadence Post Settings?

Kadence, free or pro, offers a variety of customization options to control your website’s look and feel, layout, and functionality. To make any pro customizations, you will need to utilize the advanced features offered by Kadence Pro and the Kadence Blocks plugin.

Here are the steps to navigate all the Kadence’s settings, free or pro:

Editing Pages & Posts:

  • To edit a page or post on WordPress, head to the WordPress dashboard, select Pages or Posts, and then choose the specific page or post you want to edit.
  • Click the Edit to open; from here, you can add blocks by clicking on the blue button on the top left, add blocks or pages using the Design Library, and make customizations to the block added on your page/post using the Block editor on the right side.

Kadence Doc Settings:

Once on your page or post, you’ll notice some Kadence Settings; click on the Docs Settings icon at the top-right corner of the screen. The customizer will set the default setting.

Kadence Settings in The Post or Page

Within this panel, you will find several free and pro customization options:

  • Transparent Header: Customize to default, enable, or disable.
  • Page Title: Choose whether to display or hide the page title.
  • Docs Layout: Set the width of the content (default, normal, narrow, full width, left sidebar, or right sidebar).
  • Content Style: Customize to default, enable, or disable.
  • Content Vertical Spacing: Customize to default, enable, disable, top only, or bottom only.
  • Show Featured Image: Customize to default, enable, or disable.

Kadence Blocks Controls:

You can customize the blocks directly in the Gutenberg block editor. Once on your page or post, you’ll notice some Kadence Settings; click on the Kadence Blocks Controls icon at the top-right corner of the screen.

Kadence Blocks Controls

Within this panel, you will find several customization options:

  • Color Palette: You can visually see your color palette and add additional colors.
  • Block Visibility: Adds extra controls for all your blocks for users with access to your website.
  • Default Editor Block: This will set the Advanced Text block as the default block in the editor and update its default styles to use the paragraph tag. If Kadence Blocks is disabled, Advanced Text blocks will continue to display but may lose some of their styling.
  • Import/Export Block Settings: This creates an export of block default settings that can be imported into another site.
  • Reset Block Defaults: This resets all custom block defaults or visibility settings. This will not modify any existing blocks.
  • Pixel Library Search: This enables or disables the pixels image picker.
  • Dynamic Content Settings: This enables or disables dynamic data display such as post meta, custom fields, and WooCommerce elements
  • Page Scripts: This controls custom CSS and JS.


  • Use Reusable Blocks: Though this is specific to WordPress, we thought it was worth mentioning. If you frequently use a specific layout or design throughout your site, save it as a reusable block. These can be designed in Gutenberg Patterns or for a more straightforward application straight from the pages or posts. To check or create Patterns, go to Appearance > Patterns. We have more documentation covering Patterns.

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