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Setting Up Dropdown Menus

Adding dropdown menus (sub-menus) using Kadence allows you to create sleek, responsive menus that help readers navigate your website more easily.

  • Go to Appearance > Menus, then create a new menu by selecting the items you’d like to include or modifying an existing menu.
  • To arrange menu items in a hierarchical order, drag them below and slightly to the right of the parent item to create a dropdown effect.
menu settings
  • Go to Appearance > Customize > Header, then click on the menu where it is located, e.g., Primary Navigation or Secondary Navigation. From there, click on the Dropdown Menu to open various customization options for the dropdown, including modifying the alignment, background colors, typography, padding, and hover effects.

NOTE: If some of these options are unavailable, you most likely do not have the Kadence Pro installed.

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