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Viewing Console Log Errors

Viewing console log errors is a very handy feature for troubleshooting your website. It allows you to acquire information that can help determine the cause of any errors. Viewing your browser’s console log is an excellent method to gain deeper insights. In this example, we will use the Chrome browser, but all modern browsers have similar development tools.

Steps to View Console Log Errors

  • Open Chrome Developer Tools: Right-click on any part of the webpage and select “Inspect” or press “Ctrl + Shift + I” (Windows/Linux) or “Cmd + Option + I” (Mac).
  • Navigate to the Console Tab: Once the Developer Tools panel is open, click on the “Console” tab. This is where all errors, warnings, and logs related to JavaScript and other web activity are displayed.
console errors

Filtering the Logs:

  • Errors: Displays only error messages (marked in red).
  • Warnings: Displays warnings (in yellow).
  • Logs: Regular console log statements (in white or gray).
  • Info: Information messages.

Use the filter icons at the top or type in the search box to look for specific issues.

View Error Details: When an error appears, you can click on it to see more details, including the line number in the JavaScript code that caused the error. You can also expand the error stack trace to debug where the issue originated from.

When you have found the errors, contact your host provider.

Additional Tips

  • Clear Console: You can clear the console by clicking the small trash icon at the top left of the Console tab.
  • Persistent Logs: To keep the logs persistent between page reloads, enable the “Preserve log” checkbox.

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