Theme Installation Service

Hosting Setup Services

Launch your website quickly by taking advantage of our one-day theme installation service to make launching your new business hassle-free.


We will set up your hosting on any server you choose, but before you make your choice, let’s have a chat or checkout our resources for our favorite recommendations. The server you choose is your success!

Hosting is an essential piece of keeping Google and your visitors happy, so who you choose should be a top priority. And because we aim to take care of the niggly technical details that pop up during the setup, you’ll have peace of mind you’re well taken care of on all sides.

From choosing To setting up a reliable Hosting Provider!

This option is for you if…

Get unparalleled support and the peace of mind that comes with having a WordPress expert on your side. You get to launch your shiny new website in a matter of hours rather than days, weeks, or months.

How it works

The Hosting Set Up process will give us a head start if the steps below are taken care of prior to purchase. Don’t have a website and need a little helping hand? We have a full list of our favorite resources to help you out with the process.



You will need a domain prior to us setting up your hosting.



Purchase the ‘Hosting Setup Service’ using our simple checkout.


After Purchase

You will be redirected to a thank you page which includes a form to fill in.



After submitting your form, we will be in touch to arrange the setup.



We will work with you every step of the way before finishing.

You don’t have to Struggle!

Let us use our years of experience to help you get started with your hosting set up quickly. You will soon have a website that you can finally be proud of and actively bring you more business with the look and feel you’ve been craving.

After your purchase, you will receive an email with a quick form for you to complete; this enables us to collate information to set up your hosting. Once we have this information, we will schedule a slot to begin and begin the process and we will always keep you posted on its progress.

Let’s get started with you deserving better than an ‘average-style’ website and on a super fast server!

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